Thursday, April 25, 2013

Some Words From Drama

Foreign dramas often amazed me with, one of the reason drama is because its nice-writing dialog or even monologue. Several days ago, i finish watching another drama and found this damn-right monologue (at least for me). Haha.

First love. The reason why we think first love is beautiful is not because people we first loved were actually handsome, or pretty It's because we were unconditional, innocent, or a bit stupid at the time of first love, and because we know that we can never go back to that young, passionate time of our days.

First love is a bit rash. Without any calculation, we throw ourselves with passion and finally come to face failure But it is at the same time dramatic. It comes with inexplicable feelings that we never get to experience again.

So, first love becomes the most dramatic moment of our lives. It's okay to fail. 
Tragic stories stays longer than 'happily ever after'. It's nice to have that wonderful story as one chapter of one's life.

First love is a period of time. It never comes back. If the next love comes, time has to yield for that new love. It might not be as innocent as the first love, but it would be a little more mature, due to the pain suffered with the first love.

After the romance, the real life comes in. Innocence gets dirty, passion gets cold, and youth gets old with cleverness. So first love becomes part of one's exhausted daily life.

That's why first love looks like it can't be accomplished. Because no one talks about a successful romance with first loves.
-Reply 1997-

Untuk pertama kalinya cinta pada suatu hal itu memang selalu memberikan kesan yang mendalam dan meninggalkan ruang untuk otak menyimpan memori tersebut untuk waktu yang lama.

Jadi, sekarang jadi punya jawabannya. Kenapa reuni SD dan ngobrol bareng sama si doi yang dulu jadi ditaksir itu bikin senyum senyum sendiri. Tiap chat hati rasanya girang, giliran ketemu langsung mendadak diam dan salah tingkah. Awkward. Hahaha.
Well, bring back the old memory is a nice thing. Not because i still like him. It's like recall your past feeling :3

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

YOU are more beautiful than you think!

Forget about selling, forget about branding, forget about the brand! Whatever their objective is, this ads has touched my heart.

"Women are their own worst beauty critics. Only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful. At Dove, we are committed to creating a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. So, we decided to conduct a compelling social experiment that explores how women view their own beauty in contrast to what others see"

Sometime, we just need a stranger to remind us about about our value..

Monday, April 15, 2013

Jadi Begini..

Jadi begini rasanya... ketika memasuki masa-masa dimana satu per satu undangan berdatangan dari teman sebaya bahkan peer grup semasa SMA.

Jadi begini rasanya... dapet revisi dari klien bolak-balik. Capek- capek hati capek otak. Gak enak hati juga sama si mbak bos jadinya. Rasanya kok lemot banget nih otak ga nyambung-nyambung sama keinginannya klien. Selama ini cuma denger kisah-kisah dari temen dan dosen yang ngalamin klien rempong, ternyata kebagian pengalaman juga. Alhamdulillah saya mah cuma revisi, gak pake dimaki-maki :D

Jadi begini rasanya.. dapet dosen pembimbing yang nomaden dan sibuk bukan main, sampai akhirnya kejar-kejaran sama jadwalnya. Mengejar kemana pun doi berada.

Jadi begini rasanya... menjaga cita-cita di usia yang tak lagi remaja. Takut, semangat, panik, termotivasi.

Jadi begini rasanya... ketika melihat satu persatu teman mulai berubah. Baik secara fisik, perilaku atau idealisme.

Jadi begini rasanya... ketika bertemu idola yang dicintai selama 3 tahun lamanya. Bahkan ketika sudah selingkuh hati sama idola yang lain, ternyata toh ketika melihat secara langsung cinta dan kegilaan itu muncul kembali. Haha. I (still) love you Babang Min Ho x)

Jadi ternyata.. banyak juga hal menarik untuk diingat dan recall kembali :)