Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sports I'd Love to Try

When i was in junior high i've tried many sports because of sport lesson. Throw javelin [lempar lembing],push away the bullet [tolak peluru.hehe], long jump [lompat jauh], high jump [lompat tinggi], floor (gymnastic), and many more. Now i already in college, altough i'm not a sports freak, but i really curious about other sports. These are ten sports that i wanna try (and some i've tried) in my life.



Aikido (合気道, aikidō?) is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs Aikido is often translated as "the Way of unifying (with) life energy"or as "the Way of harmonious spirit."Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on.

Jadi, tidak seperti olahraga lainnya yang menyerang balik lawannya, aikido justru menyalalurkan energi lawan. Semakin besar keinginan lawan untuk menyerang maka semakin membahayakan pula bagi dirinya, karena energi lawan kita salurkan untuk kemudian digunakan untuk 'membela diri'.

Saya pernah masuk kedalam klub Aikido, dan memang benar bahwa di aikido kita diajarkan untuk menyelaraskan tubuh kita dengan alam. Tidak berusaha untuk mebalikkan serangan lawan tetapi justru menyalurkan dan memanfaatkannya untuk 'membela diri'. Sehingga tak heran jika aikido akan terlihat seperti 'sebuah tarian' daripada bela diri karena gerakannya yang harmonis dan 'lembut' namun tetap 'mematikan'.

Saya sengat senang dengan aikido karena menurut saya tidak penuh dengan unsur 'kekerasan' sebagaimana ilmu bela diri lainnya.


You must be already know about this sport. Primitive forms of bowling may have existed in ancient times as early as A.D. 300 in Germany and also in ancient Finland and Yemen. The first standardized rules were established in New York City, on September 9, 1895.

I've tried bowling and i think it's a fun sport.Eventhough you're not a bowling athelete but still can play and have fun with your friends.



Surfing was a central part of ancient Polynesian culture. The art of surfing was first observed by Europeans at Tahiti in 1767, by the crew members of the Dolphin.
Today surfing is quite popular. It seems really fun playing with the wave.



A study by Federico Formenti of the University of Oxford suggests that the earliest ice skating happened in Southern Finland about 4000 years ago.[1] Originally, skates were merely sharpened, flattened bone strapped to the bottom of the foot. Skaters did not actually skate on the ice, but rather glided on top of it. True skating emerged when a steel blade with sharpened edges was used. Skates now cut into the ice instead of gliding on top of it. Adding edges to ice skates was invented by the Dutch in the 13th or 14th century. These ice skates were made of steel, with sharpened edges on the bottom to aid movement. The construction of modern ice skates has stayed largely the same.
My friends said ice skating is pretty hard, thats why i really curious about it. Besides i just want to know, is it the same with roller blade or not? because i've a little skill in roller blade.haha.



Unfortunately i live in tropical coutry. I wish someday we have indoor ski arena.hehe.



The National Rifle Association of the United Kingdom was founded in 1859 to raise the funds for an annual national rifle meeting "for the encouragement of Volunteer Rifle Corps, and the promotion of Rifle-shooting throughout Great Britain".In 1903, the NRA began to establish rifle clubs at all major colleges, universities and military academiesBecause of its long heritage and broad appeal, the shooting sports are enjoyed by a large number of participants around the world. In recent years, however, the shooting sports have become increasingly threatened by social and political reforms.
Because i just watched it on movie. So i really want to know how's the feel when you shooting something with the real gun.



Kyūdō (弓道 or きゅうどう?), literally meaning "way of the bow", is the Japanese art of archery. It is a modern Japanese martial art (gendai budō) and practitioners are known as kyūdōka (弓道家:きゅうどうか?).
Looks kakkoi (cool) isn't it? hehe



It must be very exciting jump to the sky from the plane. Challenge the adrenalline. Touching the sky. Free the soul!



Sea,the second world that hiding a million secrets and beautifulness.I love sea.I really want to do this thing, so i can meet the fishes and the corals with amazing color.


The word "bungee" (pronounced /ˈbʌndʒiː/) originates from West Country dialect, meaning "Anything thick and squat", as defined by James Jennings in his book "Observations of Some of the Dialects in The West of England" published 1825. Around 1930 the name became used for a rubber eraser. The word bungy, as used by A J Hackett, is said to be "Kiwi slang for an Elastic Strap".[4] Cloth-covered rubber cords with hooks on the ends have been available for decades under the generic name bungee cords.
Yap, BUNGEE JUMPING is the most sport that i want to try. Just see it on tv make me so excited. Watched people jump from the high place. I really curious how does it feel? Unfortunately it only available in Bali, too bad. But someday i'll try it!

:sweaty: So thats ten sports i'd love to try before i die.hehe.

*my first post in english.Feel free to correct, if i got wrong tenses or any others



  1. kiki ajarin cara masukin emoticon ama spoiler kayak yg lo lakuin itu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Tanya aja sm om Gugel pasti ketemu kok.
    "menaruh emoticon di blogspot", "membuat spoiler di blogspot"
